Auto provisioning
Automatic Provisioning is a mechanism that allows configuring the most important parameters of a phone (or other device) on the IPBX itself, without even opening the box of the phone.
When a new phone is connected to the network, it will automatically contact our provisioning servers and identify itself by sending its MAC address. In return, our provisioning servers will send its configuration. No need to do any manual configuration on the phone (at least for the basic parameters).
The user login of the phone (user/user) can then be used to modify other more personal parameters (such as ring tones, softkeys…)
Automatic Provisioning has many benefits and we strongly recommend using it:
- it saves a lot of time during deployments
- is more secured as the SIP credentials don’t have to be manually entered
- it allows replacing a defective phone by just entering the new MAC address
Automatic provisioning is only supported for the devices officially supported by our service and purchased through us.
1. Provisioning a Deskphone
- Create a new device (VoIP Phone) and give it a name
- Enter its MAC address and its model
- Save
Your’re done! When the phone will be powered on, it will be automatically configured and connected to our service.
2. Provisioning a Softphone (Zoiper)
- Use your device (Android phone or tablet, iPhone, iPad) to go to the Google Playstore or to Apple iTunes
- Install Zoiper
- Flash the QR code provided by your administrator
- You’re done!